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Masters 1000 Paris

Giovanni Mpetshi-Perricard Arthur Fils ATP 2024 #31 #20
Nikola Miektic Wesley Koolhof ATP #
Giovanni Mpetshi-Perricard Arthur Fils
Nikola Miektic Wesley Koolhof
match_ended Created with Sketch.
Match ended


General statistics
0 Aces 0
0 Double faults 0
0 Best points streak 0
0 Games in a row 0
0 2nd services won 0
0 1st services succeed 0
0 2nd services succeed 0
0 Won points 0
0 Won breakpoints 0
0 Games won 0
0 Tiebreaks won 0
0 Countered points 0
0 Service points 0
0 Games won at service 0


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