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You’re alone in front of the goal and another member of your team is waiting for a pass. What do you do?
I score myself. I never miss.
I miss deliberately, so no one is offended.
I pass to myself and score.
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What kind of goal do you prefer?
If it’s a goal, that’s good enough for me.
I don’t like scoring goals. I try to avoid it.
All kinds of goals. I can score any kind I want to.
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What position do you like to play in?
Defender. I don’t mind being in goal.
It doesn’t matter. I can play anywhere.
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What would you do with a million euros?
Nothing, I’m already a millionaire.
I’d travel round the world.
I’d give part of the money to poor people.
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What clubs would you like to play for?
A club where I could win the Champions League.
The best clubs in each country.
Any club with money but not in England.
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Who do you prefer to go to parties with?
I don’t go to parties, they come to me.
I prefer to go on my own.
Only with people I know.
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Which continent would you prefer to play in?
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What have learnt from your mistakes?
I’m perfect. I don’t make mistakes.
I make mistakes, like everyone else, and they help me to develop.
That I’m the best.
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What would be the perfect job for you?
Travel agent.
An international star.
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Who do you think you could have a good relationship with?
People who are close to me.
Nobody. I don’t need relationships.
Are you sure you want to leave now?
You can try again later.
{"clases":["General"],"preguntas":[{"titulo":"You\u2019re alone in front of the goal and another member of your team is waiting for a pass. What do you do?","clase":"General","adicional_chk":"0","adicional_cont":"","tempo_chk":"0","tempo":"0","respuestas":[{"titulo":"I score myself. I never miss.","img":"","puntos":"15"},{"titulo":"I miss deliberately, so no one is offended.","img":"","puntos":"5"},{"titulo":"I pass to myself and score.","img":"","puntos":"10"}]},{"titulo":"What kind of goal do you prefer?","clase":"General","adicional_chk":"0","adicional_cont":"","tempo_chk":"0","tempo":"0","respuestas":[{"titulo":"If it\u2019s a goal, that\u2019s good enough for me.","img":"","puntos":"15"},{"titulo":"I don\u2019t like scoring goals. I try to avoid it.","img":"","puntos":"5"},{"titulo":"All kinds of goals. I can score any kind I want to.","img":"","puntos":"10"}]},{"titulo":"What position do you like to play in?","clase":"General","adicional_chk":"0","adicional_cont":"","tempo_chk":"0","tempo":"0","respuestas":[{"titulo":"Forward.","img":"","puntos":"5"},{"titulo":"Defender. I don\u2019t mind being in goal.","img":"","puntos":"10"},{"titulo":"It doesn\u2019t matter. I can play anywhere.","img":"","puntos":"15"}]},{"titulo":"What would you do with a million euros?","clase":"General","adicional_chk":"0","adicional_cont":"","tempo_chk":"0","tempo":"0","respuestas":[{"titulo":"Nothing, I\u2019m already a millionaire.","img":"","puntos":"5"},{"titulo":"I\u2019d travel round the world.","img":"","puntos":"10"},{"titulo":"I\u2019d give part of the money to poor people.","img":"","puntos":"15"}]},{"titulo":"What clubs would you like to play for?","clase":"General","adicional_chk":"0","adicional_cont":"","tempo_chk":"0","tempo":"0","respuestas":[{"titulo":"A club where I could win the Champions League.","img":"","puntos":"15"},{"titulo":"The best clubs in each country.","img":"","puntos":"5"},{"titulo":"Any club with money but not in England.","img":"","puntos":"10"}]},{"titulo":"Who do you prefer to go to parties with?","clase":"General","adicional_chk":"0","adicional_cont":"","tempo_chk":"0","tempo":"0","respuestas":[{"titulo":"I don\u2019t go to parties, they come to me.","img":"","puntos":"15"},{"titulo":"I prefer to go on my own.","img":"","puntos":"5"},{"titulo":"Only with people I know.","img":"","puntos":"10"}]},{"titulo":"Which continent would you prefer to play in?","clase":"General","adicional_chk":"0","adicional_cont":"","tempo_chk":"0","tempo":"0","respuestas":[{"titulo":"America","img":"","puntos":"10"},{"titulo":"Asia","img":"","puntos":"5"},{"titulo":"Europe","img":"","puntos":"15"}]},{"titulo":"What have learnt from your mistakes?","clase":"General","adicional_chk":"0","adicional_cont":"","tempo_chk":"0","tempo":"0","respuestas":[{"titulo":"I\u2019m perfect. I don\u2019t make mistakes.","img":"","puntos":"5"},{"titulo":"I make mistakes, like everyone else, and they help me to develop.","img":"","puntos":"15"},{"titulo":"That I\u2019m the best.","img":"","puntos":"10"}]},{"titulo":"What would be the perfect job for you?","clase":"General","adicional_chk":"0","adicional_cont":"","tempo_chk":"0","tempo":"0","respuestas":[{"titulo":"Travel agent.","img":"","puntos":"15"},{"titulo":"President.","img":"","puntos":"5"},{"titulo":"An international star.","img":"","puntos":"10"}]},{"titulo":"Who do you think you could have a good relationship with?","clase":"General","adicional_chk":"0","adicional_cont":"","tempo_chk":"0","tempo":"0","respuestas":[{"titulo":"People who are close to me.","img":"","puntos":"15"},{"titulo":"Nobody. I don\u2019t need relationships.","img":"","puntos":"5"},{"titulo":"Anyone.","img":"","puntos":"10"}]}],"resultados":[{"titulo":"Ibrahimovic: You\u2019re a Zlatanist. You\u2019re arrogant, egocentric and think you\u2019re always the best.","img":"","puntos_ini":"0","puntos_fin":"50"},{"titulo":"Arbeloa: Arbeloa is your role model. You want to be recognised wherever you go.","img":"","puntos_ini":"55","puntos_fin":"100"},{"titulo":"Javier Hern\u00e1ndez: You\u2019re a faithful follower of Chicharito. He is your shepherd, you shall not want.","img":"","puntos_ini":"105","puntos_fin":"150"}],"titulo":"What\u2019s your philosophy of football?"}